Sunday, 16 February 2014

Portable Gaming Plunge: Triforce and Tribulations

This week I began 3 games (1 portable game, 1 PC game and 1 Console game)

The First portable game is:

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D

I've not had much time with the game so far, clocking in roughly 3 hours out of the 29 needed to complete it (according to How Long To Beat); however I'm very impressed with the way it's been remastered.
Having never played the original, my only experience with the game has been through "Top 10 Games of All Time" lists/videos and reading about people attesting to the fact that it was one of the golden titles of an age in gaming gone by.

Personally I think this offers me an advantage as I'm not wearing rose tinted glasses and am simply playing the game; seeing it for what it is without an overbearing sense of nostalgia that can often provoke a strong bias towards these remasters that seem to be the new trend at the moment.

Although this is true, I love the Zelda franchise; the first game in the series I played was Oracle of Ages which I'll always remember due to the fact you could use a link cable (no pun intended) to connect with Oracle of Seasons; changing the plot of the game and adding content, one of the first cases I know of that this was capable in (apart from Sonic and Knuckles).

The only Zelda games that I have played have been 2D (Apart from Spirit Tracks and Phantom Hourglass, which I don't really see as 'proper' entries due to their strange stylus control schemes). So playing the game so far has felt like an immense step up in terms of mechanics and aesthetics, aiding in my ability to become immersed in the world and enjoy the game frustration free.

Well... At least so far.

Overall, it's going well - I'm still very motivated to get it finished and being a fan of the series, I'm glad to finally be playing through such a highly regarded game.

I'll write a full report after I've completed it and placed it on the shelf of Godly Games, or after I've thrown it in the Bin of Banishment.

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