Friday, 28 February 2014

Kingdom Hearts: Heartbroken

Save Points.

Since I started Kingdom Hearts this time round, I've moaned constantly about the lack of save points. "What if there's a power cut or something?" I kept asking myself. "I'd lose so much progress!"

Well 14 hours into the game, it happened.

I was midway through the Halloween Town section (After defeating the most frustrating boss I've ever fought in a game) and I had to go and make some dinner. I hadn't come across a save point in an hour or so so thought that I'd just leave the Playstation on and get to a save point after.


I came back to find my PS3 had turned itself off and not only had I lost all the progress of the game (which I had been fighting to go back to most of the time anyway) and that it had placed me back to the beginning of the Little Mermaid's world.

I hate giving up on titles, but this one is getting a red mark for some frustrating gameplay mechanic decisions on the designers part and a technical fault that cost me the hour of progress that I needed to keep the most.

Today is a bad day.


  1. I bet you were glad you had Borderlands to cheer you up :D

    and hopefully a good dinner :L

  2. Haha, nothing will ever get me through this properly. It was like meeting your childhood hero and then someone telling you that he's actually a washed up, old drug addict. Then you forget about your meeting with them.
