Monday, 10 March 2014

The Hidden Secrets of Your Video Game Case

What if I told you that when you walk into a video game shop or browse a retailer online, they are trying to sell you something?

"HOGWASH!" I hear you cry; women and children fainting left and right from disbelief.

Well it's a fact, video games are products, and a large part of the sale publishers need to make stems from video game box art.

As a result, features and awards are plastered across the front of the boxes, forcing the characters and scenery to gasp for air, begging you to buy them.

So you take the box to the till, pay for it and walk off. But the box is still an ugly sales tool when you get home and take it out of the carrier bag. Hurray for capitalism.

Or is it?

Let's take two great games and show you what the marketing cover looks like:

These aren't terrible examples of clutter, but I find them pretty ugly as you have the logo's of the game studios that made them, the publisher, age rating at it's statutory size etc... as well as all of the blurb of the game on the back. Necessary before the sale, but afterwards....?

But most of your cases actually hold an awesome and from my experience, well kept secret. Let's take a look:

Firstly, open up the box and remove the manuals/dlc codes to reveal the secret art hidden inside. This is what the box artist actually wanted you to see, but still; it's facing inwards and not doing you any good there.

What you need to do is open the box all the way out flat so the outside is facing you. Then take out the cover from behind the plastic sleeve, turn it round so the inside you just saw is now facing outwards and replace it so it looks like the following images:

This is the beautiful and real case cover. Sadly not every game is like this, such as most EA titles (the mass produced EA games such as Fifa etc...). It shows a great deal of care and attention on the teams part and I think a great touch that can turn your shelf full of noisy and busy shelf of games into a beautiful mural of video game art.

Bonus points if the nice design fits on the front cover:

I hope you enjoy hunting through your PS3 games and some PC games (don't believe that 360 games do this) to find these gorgeous hidden gems.

Let me know of any games you find that has been hiding it's inner beauty from you in the comments section - and as always, if you like the posts, please feel free to like it, share it, tweet it etc... It helps a lot!

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